Previous Projects

See all of my previous projects/productions and the role I played in each one of them below.

2024 Sound Design Cappie

Les Misérables

This award was presented to me and the Yorktown Sound Team on behalf of our work on Yorktown High School’s recent production of Les Misérables. This award represents the acknowledgment of our hard work in creating an immersive sound design and an efficient and capable sound system. We earned this award in competition with 40 other local schools, voted on by over 300 critics, and we couldn’t be more grateful!

Extraordinary Teen

Arlington Magazine, 2024

I am so excited to have been featured as one of Arlington Magazine’s Extraordinary Teens! After receiving the award I was able to tell a little of my story which can be read online. I am so grateful for all the people in my community who nominated me for this award. My goal has always been to use my services to benefit my community and I am honored to have been celebrated with this award!

Les Misérables

Production Manager, Sound Designer, Sound Engineer

April 2024 - Yorktown High School

On this show, I served as the Production Manager where I dealt with scheduling for different departments and participated in production-wide discussions. As the sound designer, I added ambiance and sound effects in a surround sound system to enhance each scene to create a very immersive story. As the sound engineer I worked with the band and all 31 actors wearing microphones to construct a show with outstanding audio.

The Play That Goes Wrong

Sound Designer, Sound Engineer, Electromagnet Technician

November 2023 - Yorktown High School

I worked as the sound designer and sound engineer for this show mixing 14 actor microphones and creating a QLab filled with perfectly timed sound effects. I also worked as the electromagnet technician, using my knowledge of electricity to build simple switched circuits to control the method of releasing the set walls to fall.

Beauty and the Beast

Sound Designer, Sound Engineer

April 2023 - Yorktown High School

I served as the sound designer and sound engineer creating an immersive QLab of over 200 cues in a surround sound system and mixing the show of 24 microphones and a full pit orchestra.

The Village of Lights

Director, Writer, Designer,

2019-2024 - Independent Project

The village of lights is a annual Christmas Lights show with its own story each year. Characters take the stage through these lights and guide the audience on a unique and magical experience.

The World of Sound

Sound Designer

May 2023 - Independent Project

The World Of Sound is an immersive sound experience that tells the history of the world, in 4 different locations, through the use of only sound.

The Power of Sound

Sound Designer

May 2024 - Independent Project

This interactive independent project shows how different sound effects, music, and ambiance, affect a scene.

the Canterbury Tales

Assistant Sound Designer

Febuary 2024 - Signature Theatre

The full name of this show: The Possumneck Playhouse Presents Eli Thomas Neatherwood’s Award-Winning Adaptation of the Canterbury Tales

On this show, I had the amazing opportunity to work alongside industry professionals in all areas of the theatre. I worked especially closely with the sound designer as we collaborated on creating the sound design for the show. I then operated QLab during the show.

The Voices on Black Well Island

Sound Board Operator

February 2023 - Signature Theatre

On this show I had the amazing opportunity to work alongside industry professionals in all areas of the theatre. I worked especially close to the sound designer. I then operated QLab during the show.


Sound Designer, Sound Engineer

October 2022

I served as the sound designer and engineer for Puffs creating a QLab and mixing a show of 24 microphones.

Sweeney Todd - The Pennsylvania State University - Pit Orchestra Audio Engineer (2024)

Make or Break - The Pennsylvania State University - Sound Designer (2024)

Doubt: A Parable - The Pennsylvania State University - Sound Designer (2024)

Summer Concert Series - Lubber Run Amphitheater - Sound Engineer (2023, 2024)

Godspell - St Peter's Episcopal Church - Lighting Designer (2024)

Annie - Yorktown High School - Sound Engineer (2022)

Legally Blonde - Swanson Middle School - Sound Engineer (2019)

2023 One Acts - Yorktown High School - Sound Designer (2023)

2024 One Acts - Yorktown High School - Stage Manager (2024)

Laugh Track - Yorktown High School - Sound Designer (2024)

Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind - Yorktown High School - Sound Designer (2022)

High School Musical - Swanson Middle School - Production Assistant (2021)

The Wizard of Oz - Swanson Middle School - Audio Technician (2023)

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - Swanson Middle School - Assistant Stage Manager (2018)

School Daze - Swanson Middle School - Stage Manager (2019)

Newsies - Swanson Middle School - Audio Technician (2024)

Purlie Victorious - Aldersgate Theatre - Sound Engineer (2022)

A Wrinkle in Time - Swanson Middle School - Stage Manager, Video Editor (2020)

Badger - Yorktown High School - Sound Designer (2021)

Through the Screen - Yorktown High School - Video Editor (2020)

Anne of Green Gables - Swanson Middle School - Production Assistant (2021)